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The compatibility considerations given as Nakshatra-related are
2) Death/Divorce
may of still later application of some nakshatra related concepts
3) Poverty and scope for economic success
into compatibility, and many acharyas have told us that they should
not be given much importance.
4) Possible Health problems in future
Now comes the considering of the Nakshatra based Doshas.
5) Lesbian/Gay nature of male/female
Yes, except one of them (i.e. Vedha) all of these are star based, and
Yes, All of these together it is popularly known as Jataka Poruta
therefore the
(meaning Horoscope Matching ) which indicates that this is the
importance is to that extent only.
most important considerations in horoscope matching and also that
these are to be looked IN HOROSCOPE rather than in the mere
1) Nakshatra-Vedha : Though the word Nakshatra is there in
name of sign or star.
the name, it is actually a method for locating star combinations,
that fall in the Shashtashtama (6-8 axis) signs that cause the most
Now consider the Agoodha compatibility options as well based
trouble. So in essence it considers Sign and Nakshatra.
on your understanding of the family, education, status, health etc
of male and female and their family!! The relatives of bride and
2) Nakshatra varga vedha
groom will do this, even if the astrologer is not doing it. So we
3) Rajju Dosha etc
don t have to worry much about it.
But still now, except the general qualities of sign and star, the
This is the well-classified system put forward by the Acharyas.
planetary placement in horoscope is not considered yet!! So let us
Can we call it un-scientific, or unsystematic?!
consider if the planetary placement supports/indicates marriage
We follow it or not, the situations allow us to do it or not, etc
between those 2 people, by using,
are all our trouble and the Acharyas should not be blamed for
1) Rana-Ranee Bhava (Structural compatibility between horo-
scopes) and
Arjun ji:
Now let us compare the placement of malefic in the horoscope
Yes, this is where a practicing astrologer if follows saatvik
in a general manner, by using,
lifestyle and develops divine intuition, due to the vaak suddhi and
2) Papa samya (Mangala dosha is just something comes with
vaak siddhi, the reading, analysis and prediction become simpler.
in this)
Actually all the systems said above is child play, and the real
All rights reserved © Sreenadh OG, sreesog@yahoo.com All rights reserved © Sreenadh OG
Yes, yes, all this is necessary, and I agree completely. But would to Vata-Pita-Kapha in Ayurveda and Vital force in naturopa-
like to add that, we should add it up to the above (systematic un- thy) and that is why significance is assigned to these 4 categories
derstanding of the system put forward by the Acharyas)for the only. :) I think you will support this view which helps us much, in
best results. understanding the logical system called astrology, and understand-
ing it as a system that fits into holistic approach .
Stars and Planets
Arjun ji:
(A conversation with Arjun ji)
Over and above, we have astrology derived from hindu my-
Arjun ji:
thology. While according to mythology we treat planets including
Stars and planets are existing in nature, rasis are mythical in
satellite moon as gods and worship their personalities, astronomy
and science paints them as balls of some mass. while the science
says how moon waxes and wanes, all puranas says how moon
was cursed with kshaya roga due to his neglecting of his 27 wives,
I disagree!! Why? I will explain.
how the modern man percieves these contradictions - to see stars
1) Stars : They are also mythical (following your terminology) as wives and planets as husbands or just balls of some light.
since we are talking about stellar divisions and NOT Yoga taras.
Our star (i.e. Nakshatra) is an area in sky , a stellar division, cov-
Here also the problem is with understanding the views of an-
ering 13 deg 20 min. Thus become mythological due to the same
cient Rishi s in there own light, I mean the system provided by
reason you ascribed to rasi.
they themselves. I will explain:
2) Rasis (Signs) : They are also mythological (following your
In there holistic approach to subjects under study, the ancient
terminology) since they represent an area in sky covering 30
Rishis from the period of Vedas itself, uses approaches such as-
3) Planets : They are also mythological, since in astrology, we 1) Adhi-Bhowtika
are not talking about the planets that physical entities having no
2) Adhi-Daivika etc.
special qualities and significance 9we ascribe to them in astrol-
Ascribing human nature or thinking that a divine god/goddess
ogy). But instead we are talking about Sun that is Father and Atma
with a particular shape/body/qualities is present within each and
karaka, Moon that is mother and water, Mars that is warrior etc!!!
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